~ Non-Food ~

Sunset Saturdays
I never get sick of this view. :)

Festive Friday: Let the Season Begin!
Some of my all-time favorite ladies at El Bohio, Halloween 2012!

Wanna Peep Show? (Inside My Fridge… get your mind outta the gutter)
The juxtaposition where Baby/Wedding Announcements meet Queens of the Stone Age. :)

San Juan Staycation Foto Friday (Woah- Did I actually just type that? #Lame)
The streets of Old San Juan with gorgeous washed out water in the background.

Rincón Beer Company: Turning a New Leaf
It's alive! ...and it's got a really cool logo, right?

NaBloPoMO… a Day Late and a Dollar Short
Keep the beach clean... and my mouth cleaner! It's good to set goals.

Food Blogger’s Rehab
Nicole's new breathtaking kitchen. Lo quiero!

Giving Thanks: An Ode to a Friend
Seas apart, but virtually always together.

Big Summer Potluck 2 – My Glimpse from Behind the Scenes
Pam Anderson and one of her gluten-free potluck dishes being shot by the kickass photographer, Stephen Scott Gross.

Knorr Contest Update: Mama I’m Comin’ Home!
Lifeguard Tower 1, Ocean Beach, San Diego

Wordless Wednesday: The FoodPornDaily Cookbook – IT’S ALIVE!!!!
Duuuuuude! I wrote a book!!!! And it exists in the physical world! (And, in case you were wondering, it's available for presale at Barnes and Nobles! ;-)

2nd Annual “Food 4 Kids” Backpack Program Fundraiser!!
No child should go hungry...

Oh, Just Can It… at Leena’s San Fran Canning Workshop
Leena Eats AND Cans

Hello, Snacksgiving!
A warm and sunny welcome...

Look at me, Ma! I’m on a podcast!
Leena, podcast maestro

Healthy School Lunches. It Doesn’t Have to Be an Oxymoron!
Photo Courtesy of:Andrea's Blog

Paying it Forward….
yeah, this is a stock photo

Amanda’s food factory
It's a good kitchen (despite our bitching)