~ Baked ~

Thanksgiving Desserts! Keep it Classic or Change it up?
Try these Spicy Ginger Brown Butter Blondies. They stole my heart a few years ago!

Pizza Coma, er, Party!
Traffic jam of pizzas awaiting their turn in the oven!

Roasted Garlic & Chive Buttermilk Corn Tortillas
Great ready for this flavor explosion of awesome!

Roasted Jalapeno, Culantro & Pecan Pesto
Pizza party day two!

Cinnamon Apple Pecan Crumb Bars
Mmm... gooey apple cinnamon deliciousness!

Knorr Homestyle Stock Bad Boy Macaroni and Cheese
NC17 Mac & Cheese. Cover the kiddies eyes, it's that good. ;)

Spicy Ginger Brown Butter Blondies
Warning: Ginger blondies are highly addictive. One bite may lead to the disappearance of the entire tray.

Fudgy Earl Grey Chocolate Cake
Don't discrimi-hate on my delicious cake just because it looks like Barney!

Two Tasty Turnover Recipes!
So buttery... so flaky!

Kickass Mexican Chorizo Cornbread Stuffing
Stuffing on the plate. Tamale in your mouth!

Fluffy Buttermilk Biscuits
You know you wanna rip into one & slather it with butter!

Killer Peanut Butter Mousse Brownie Pie
I can think of worse ways to die...

Fig Jam & Sweetened Chevre Turnovers
Soooo flaky & butter on the outside... Want to see what's on the inside!?!

Baked Rigatoni with Turkey Bolognese
Oooo... melty cheese and pasta!

Wild Mushroom Gratin w/ a Wildly Delicious Topping
Mmm Mmm...Look at all that crumb-topping goodness.

Spicy Chipotle Chocolate Cake
Why you puttin' chipotle in my chocolate cake, foo?

Cornbread Muffins…
Bet You Can’t Eat Just 8.
Some good muffs

Bacon + Brie + Blue Cheese = A Good Time
Cheese bread w/ bacon & jalapeno

Brioche, the Coolest Thing Since Velcro
Better than Wonderbread

Smooth and Dreamy Baked Polenta
Almost as cheesy as we are

3 Cheeses Oozing from a Crusty Artisan Jalapeno Loaf
is that oozing cheese or are you just happy to see me?

Strawberry and Blackberry Cobbler… with a Hint of Ginger
Dessert for breakfast

Ultra Cheesy Homemade Pizza
Sausage in an ocean of cheese

Ooey Gooey Warm King Cake
Don't eat the baby!

Orgasmic Mac ‘n’ Cheese
triple x food porn

Rosemary Clover Rolls
Warm, soft, and oh-so-delicious

Amanda’s Homemade Pumpkin Pie
Gotta get me some o dat

Pumpkin Spice Muffins with Molasses Glaze
Pumpkin Spice Muffins

Kiwi, Mango, and Pineapple Coconut Cake
Fruity Coconut Layer Cake