Lemon Balsamic Marinated Salmon with Purple Hull Peas
T: You’ve been cooking up some fine fish since we started eating seafood.
A: not that you mean to say that we just started eating seafood, but we did just start budgeting it into our meals. But, thank you. I appreciate that.
T: Man, that salmon had a delightful flavor. And I loved the kick it gave at the end.
A: that’s the jalepeno that was in the marinade. Fresh jalepenos pack a mighty punch, if I do say so myself.
T: They pack a wonderful punch that isn’t overwhelming.
A: exactly, it’s just a nice warming heat all around your mouth.
T: we also had artichoke, and it was terrific as usual.
A: I just had a little bug fly up my nose. Crappy.
T: so what did you rate this one?
A: I give this meal an 8.447/10. It was good, but my particular salmon filet was a little on the medium-well side when it should have been medium, max.
T: I give it a 9.1/10. The vinegar in the peas was a little on the strong side, although I admit I’m a sissy about balsamic vinegar.
A: Yeah, definately a wimp.
T: seriously, everybody goes nuts about all these vinegarette dressings, and I just don’t get it.
A: well, between you me and whoever’s reading this silly blog, balsamic vinegar wasn’t the only vinegar in those hull peas. There was also a lime and taragon vinegarette poured over the entire shebang.
T: so, this meal seemed pretty healthy, is that correct?
A: very true. There was maybe a total of 3 or 4 tablespoons of olive oil used in the whole meal, so the only fat added was reasonably good-for-you fat, and the salmon always provides a lot of omega-3 fatty acids. The purple hull peas are just a fantastic source of fiber.
T: I’m not sure if fiber is something that I need a whole lot of.
A: yes it is. Everybody needs a lot of fiber. Fiber is a natural cholesterol reducer, as well as helping your g.i. track stay healthy.
T: I thought it was just good for staying regular.
A: Nope, fiber does a lot more than just that. EVERYONE: eat lots of fiber!
kwaherini mabibi na mabwana
Love to try. Where is your recipe?