We Stuffed Them, They Stuffed Us
For dinner we’re eating grilled turkey burgers seasoned with fresh oregano, basil, and sage. The burgers were stuffed with chaumes cheese and sundried tomatoes and served on a whole wheat bun with confit tomatoes, lemon balsamic marinated grilled mushrooms, pea shoots, and fresh pesto. Chunks of marinated grilled zucchini were plated along side the burgers.
The Ooey Gooey Insides of Our Stuffed Turkey Burgers
T: Those burgers were freaking awesome, duder.
A: well thanks, mista T! i don’t think they were my favorite, but hey! can a girl be tops every time?
T: Nope, a girl can’t be on top every time.
A: hehehe… now, woah there doggy. don’t forget grannies read this too.
T: Grannies know what i’m talking about! They’ve been around longer than any of us!
A: 😛 youse a silly man, mister. a silly man.
T: I thought these burgers were great. What didn’t you like about them?
A: i dunno. i think maybe it’s just that i burned them initially on a slightly too-hot fire and my burger just tasted burnt. at least in some spots. i also don’t know if i like the specific brand of sundried tomatoes i used in the middle.
T: you must have given me a less-burnt patty. How nice 🙂 Mine didn’t taste burnt at all.
A: … i taste burning…
T: you might want to get that checked out. 😛 I also enjoyed the sundried tomatoes and everything else in/on the burger. It was great, and it got better the deeper into it I got.
A: stuffing burgers really is the secret to my burger happiness. it breaks up the heaviness of the solid chunck of meat and it gives you ooey gooey flavor all through out the meal 🙂
T: I’m with you a 100% on that one. Burger need to be stuffed. Otherwise they are ordinary. I don’t care what kind of sauce you put on top, the patty needs some innards.
A: fo sho, you know. i’ve only eaten one stuffed burger out at a restaurant and i was kind of disappointed. It was a brie stuffed burger at the Wild Note Cafe in Solana Beach. I’m a fan of the cafe for lunch, usually. good food at a moderately cheap price (although dinner can get expensive). but this burger just didn’t have any flavor. i think maybe the brie had all melted out before it even got to me.
T: That’s lame. I’ve never had a stuffed burger other than yours that I can think of. It would be interesting to have another, but I’m doing ok just having yours.
A: i would just like to find a good burger in san diego. i have yet to eat a burger here that has made me want to go back to the restaurant and eat another one. and another one. and another one.
T: I liked the burger I had at South Beach Bar and Grill (5059 Newport Ave. San Diego, CA 92107). It was a “Santa Fe” burger with a roasted ortega chile and a creamy Santa Fe sauce. It wasn’t stuffed, but I liked it. It was the best burger I’ve eaten in a restaurant here- much better than the burger I had at the famed Hodad’s.
A: yeah, maybe i went into Hodad’s with high expectations, but when we got our food, i was definately underwhelmed. i hate to say it, but my mini burger just reminded me of wendy’s. and that’s just wrong. i would like to try a burger from south beach though.
T: Yeah, and we should try Hodad’s again just to see if we were having an off day or something. Maybe the Volkswagen Bus that we were eating in (inside the restaurant) threw off our taste buds. eh?
A: uh…um… anything’s possible, right? i am willing to give it another try. i will try to erase the thought of wendy’s from my mind when we go back.
T: Well, back to your burgers. I give em a 4.6/5. They were super, so much better than most burgers out there. I’ll leave you with a little room for ratings improvement since I know you weren’t too happy with these.
A: you’re right. but i’m glad you really enjoyed them. I give these burgers a 3.8/5. They were good. they just weren’t the bomb. and frankly, they were amongst my worst burgers. i dig burgers, and the digability is what inspires me to make good ones. for this reason, when i make an average (or burnt) burger, i’m disappointed in myself and in the burger.
T: wow, that’s a lower score than I expected you to give. I think you’re being a touch hard on yourself. Hell, my burger was the bomb!
A: maybe so. i just have a long list of good burgers beneath my belt and this was just alright for me. kinda like jesus you know?
* amanda breaks in to a bad version of “jesus is just alright” *
T: enough! silence! What does that mean, anyway? Is Jesus just ok, not that great? Or is Jesus nothing but alright with him? I just don’t know.
A: i never could figure that out. i guess i never really paid much attention to the rest of the lyrics to see if they would clue me in. what it comes down to is i just don’t care, ooooohhhh yeah!
T: Mochis are just alright with me, mochis are just alright, oh yeah! And by that I mean I’m going to eat a mochi right now.
* time elapses *
T: that was a good coconut mochi.
Kwaherini mabibi na mabwana.
Wow… just…. wow….. this is burgering on a whole new level. All these summery burger recipes lately are really getting me jonesing for a good beefy sammich… I am definitely going to take your advice on this and stuff my next ones!
Funny post you two, where do you get your pea shoots? Also what is chaumes cheese?
Well I have to say I am kind of dreading moving to SD now that I know there are no good burgers to be had…except at your place! I suppose it won’t really matter once I go full-time vegetarian, but it’s not going to make my last months as a meat-eater very fun!
I don’t know if I’ve ever had a stuffed burger, but this looks damn good, burnt or not!
These are gorgeously drool-worthy, you guys! But I am sad about your local burger situation. I wish I could take you to Littons here in Knoxville–best burgers ever.
They certainly do look lovely. I’ve never made burgers before because I always thought it just wouldn’t be an exciting thing to make. But these look like they’re really worth trying!
I’ve never heard of a stuffed burger before, and wow yours looks incredible.
I may just have attempt some myself this weekend.
Cheers A and T
Great site, Go to Rocky’s on Ingram and get a Burger, best in town. Next on the list is “Liar’s Club” on Mission.
lea, stuffing burgers is definately the way to go! i haven’t gotten around to writing the specific recipe for this one yet, but i know i’ve posted a recipe for stuffed burgers somewhere else on this thing 🙂
Thanks Cap’t Jack! this time i got the pea shoots from henry’s, although i don’t think they always carry them. chaumes cheese according to wikipedia, is soft pale cheese with a rich full-bodied flavour and smooth creamy and quite rubbery texture. i would say that’s pretty right on in a description – i don’t know about the rubbery texture though. It melts great and i thought it was very creamy. It was a whole foods splurdge 🙂
Michelle, fortunately we haven’t eaten at every burger joint in SD so there is still hope out there! and i will definately be checking out steve’s suggestion of Rocky’s in the near future (and hopefully blogging about it!) When do you get in town?
Marianne, i’m gonna hold you to that 🙂 if we are ever in the knoxville area we will totally have to hit up Littons! man… just commenting on burgers makes me want another one.
Ros, i agree that a plain old slab of ground meat just doesn’t excite me. (okay, that’s partially a lie – it does but it’s not the most culinarily exciting venture) stuffing them adds excitement because you can put absolutely anything you can possibly think of inside!
Thanks Bron! i know if you do attempt the burger it will be absolutely amazing 🙂 i don’t think you could make anything that wasn’t!
Steve, we definately will be trying Rocky’s soon – and the best part is… it’s close to us 🙂 Thanks for the suggestion and if you have anymore feel free to send them our way, we’ve only been here for seven months and need guidance from the locals.
Posted this eariler (CH) in response to a request for good PB food. Hope this helps.
Lot’s of good choices, a few great ones.
Here is my current “rotation”
1. Burgers – Rocky’s, best in town
2. French – The French Gourmet, great bistro food. Pate from the take out counter is fantastic (duck), good breads and desserts.
3. Mexican – Los Ponchos, Chile Verde is good, Mole is good but inconsistent, Pollo asada hard to beat, and the seafood is also good, better bet for seafood is TJ’s Oyster bar across the street.
4. Bars w/ Food – Cass Street and Liar’s Club. Lot’s of posts on both.
5. Spanish – La Costa Brava – Great Tapas a good Spanish wine selection, never been impressed with the entrees, but the Tapas are the tops.
6. Italian – Lupi – I guess this is Bird Rock, but it is great. Gnocchi w/ Gorgenzola, and the veal are favorites. Ruffo is the owner, ask him for a wine reccommendation.
7. Prime Rib – Bully’s – also Bird Rock, but I put Lupi on so it would be a shame not to add Bully’s, fell out of favor for a year or so, but they’re back.
8. Cajun/Creole – Chateau Orleans – Good popovers, and the Gumbo is Solid. 1/2 price wine on Wed.
9. Plate Lunch – Da Kine – also Lalani’s on Cass St. does a good job/average Moco.
10. View/Out of town visitors/food pretty good – World Famous, never had a bad meal here. Service is mediocre. Overall above average. Happy hour tacos (Lobster/Shrimp) are probably the best deal in town.
Hey folks!
I just found my way here thru the Carnival of the Grill. I must say that I like your style!
Keep up the great work! I will be back!
I was wondering if we can use one of your images on our web site? It is the picture of the burger in the bun. called: Chaumes and Sundried Tomatoes Stuffed Turkey Burgers
It would be used along side text of how to cook beer burgers.
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